Dream Casting

Mindset loading shift your mindset

Mindset loading, shift your mindset

Mindset loading... I’ve always been a bit of a people watcher. When I was younger, I would go to a social event and just sit and watch the people in...

Mindset loading, shift your mindset

Mindset loading... I’ve always been a bit of a people watcher. When I was younger, I would go to a social event and just sit and watch the people in...

The racism activist in me awoken

The racism activist in me awoken

It’s almost the anniversary of George Floyd’s racist murder, an event that awoke the sleeping activist within me again. The activist that I had retired after actively fighting the apartheid...

The racism activist in me awoken

It’s almost the anniversary of George Floyd’s racist murder, an event that awoke the sleeping activist within me again. The activist that I had retired after actively fighting the apartheid...

I have had it have you ever uttered these words?

I have had it, have you ever uttered these words?

I have had it, have you ever uttered these words, they normally come when you have had enough of a specific situation, these words are also what leads to definitive...

I have had it, have you ever uttered these words?

I have had it, have you ever uttered these words, they normally come when you have had enough of a specific situation, these words are also what leads to definitive...

A lesson in ’forward planning’ from our 8 and 11 year old

A lesson in "forward planning" from our 8 and 1...

We are in Malaga, Spain, looking for a breakfast cafe after receiving our two year spanish residence extension from the Ayuntamiento (City Council). The streets are busy even on a Monday...

A lesson in "forward planning" from our 8 and 1...

We are in Malaga, Spain, looking for a breakfast cafe after receiving our two year spanish residence extension from the Ayuntamiento (City Council). The streets are busy even on a Monday...

A Dad’s Top 5 Reasons Why Being a Father

A Dad's Top 5 Reasons Why Being a Father Is One...

I love being a dad, it's one of life's great blessings and I wish all dads could see this. Don't get me wrong, there are days that I contemplate gagging...

A Dad's Top 5 Reasons Why Being a Father Is One...

I love being a dad, it's one of life's great blessings and I wish all dads could see this. Don't get me wrong, there are days that I contemplate gagging...

10 biggest wealth creation secrets most rich people won’t

10 biggest wealth creation secrets most rich pe...

Wealth. It's a loaded word, isn't it? For some, it represents the pinnacle of success. To others, it's a source of endless frustration. No matter where you stand on the...

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10 biggest wealth creation secrets most rich pe...

Wealth. It's a loaded word, isn't it? For some, it represents the pinnacle of success. To others, it's a source of endless frustration. No matter where you stand on the...

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