I have had it, have you ever uttered these words?

I have had it, have you ever uttered these words?

I have had it, have you ever uttered these words, they normally come when you have had enough of a specific situation, these words are also what leads to definitive change, there are many times that you say that you want to change a situation but you don’t because you have not yet “had it”.


Think back to a time when you have had it with a specific situation, I can think of a few time in my life when I uttered these words, when I had had enough of living a mediocre life living in poverty, when I had had enough of being in an emotionally draining relationship, when I had had enough of my work environment, so much that if I didn't quit I’d sooner or later take a machete to work, when I had had enough of constantly being stopped by the police because of the color of my skin.

Yes, this is when real change happened in your life, and it's a good thing. This is when we grow as people, this is when we place value on who we are, our self worth increases and we move towards our own greatness in leaps and bounds. This is what the words “I have had it” does.

So, I urge you to not be afraid of uttering these words, when you have had enough of a situation, change it.

It is only when we change our situations that we can change our lives, and remember change starts with you.

"I have had it" are powerful words, use them wisely and often, your future self will thank you. 

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