Make friends with reality because Everything happens

Make friends with reality because Everything happens for a reason

Your Monday Motivation 3 in 1

1 Idea

"Everything happens for a reason?"

In a profound, heartbreaking and unexpectedly funny talk, Kate Bowler offers some answers -- challenging the idea that "everything happens for a reason" and sharing hard-won wisdom about how to make sense of the world after your life is suddenly, completely changed. Souce: TEDx


1 Action

"Make friends with reality"

With her signature wit and wisdom, Emily Levine meets her ultimate challenge as a comedian/philosopher: she makes dying funny. Souce: TEDx


1 Thought

Nothing is impossible if you believe -  it's one of the of my core beliefs, the other is that everything happens for a reason.

Sometime things happens against your will, and pushes you towards your greatness and your best life.

We all face challenges in our life, but it's the way you decide to deal with the hurdles placed infront of you, that determines your future life.

What a challenges do you have this week that determines you future?

Until next week,

Believe in the possible, live your best life. 
Have an amazing week ahead. 

Dream Cast Project team


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The Archieve

You can see the full archive of past editions here. We hope you enjoy it.

 Photo credit Nick Fewings @jannerboy62

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