Homeschooling is not for everyone, or should we all try it?

Homeschooling is not for everyone, or should we all try it?

Homeschooling is not for everyone, but there are definitely parents that are able to make it work.

Homeschooling is always an interesting topic of discussion.

Now, even just a few years ago this would have been considered very much an alternative lifestyle until 2020, the year the world changed for so many of us with school going children. Suddenly we we all living the alternative lifestyle  of homeschooling. Some of our friends and fellow parents absolutely loved it, others could not wait for life as we knew it to return back to normal.

The world has only now, after more than a year, started returning back to normal. Schools are open and parents and kids are readjusting, however for some, it's been an eye opening and rewarding experience to spend so much time connecting with their kids. It certainly has been for our family and so many others, a time to reset what is most important, and ponder how best to raise mindful kids.


On one of our recent hikes, we met traveling parents who are homeschooling their kids and had a great conversation with both homeschooling moms.

It's always great to speak to active parents who are just as passionate about raising mindful kids, kids that are destined to change the world in their own unique way.

Homeschooling is not for everyone, but there are definitely parents that are able to make it work, and this one of those fascinating stories. What are your thoughts on homeschooling pre/during and post-Covid?


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